June Russell Honored as Slow Food NYC's 2017 Snailblazer

October 17, 2017
Posted in Greenmarket

On Wednesday, November 8th, Slow Food NYC will host its annual big bash fundraiser, the Slow Down, at bg视讯’s Project Farmhouse steps from the Union Square Greenmarket. Slow Food NYC will honor their sixth Snailblazer, June Russell, 表彰她在创建可持续和公平的区域农场和食物链方面的杰出领导. Since 2004, June通过bg视讯的绿色市场区域谷物项目帮助建立和支持繁荣的区域粮食经济. 区域谷物项目致力于为东北地区种植和加工的谷物创造一个市场, by educating and bringing together growers, processors, bakers, brewers, distillers, chefs, and eaters in a regional grain chain. Their mission begins at Greenmarket, 哪里面包师的标准包括使用由bg视讯地区种植和碾磨的谷物制成的面粉.


Did you ever think you’d be working with grains for 10 years? 

Laughs. No. I had no idea what I was getting into or where it would lead. 起初,当Greenmarket让我解决“面包师问题”时,我很失望.”  I wasn’t sure it mattered.  Boy was I wrong.  Early on, 我意识到在区域层面上种植主要作物对健康土壤的潜在巨大影响, to system resilience, and to what ends up on our plates. Now, 我有一种敬畏之情,能参与到一件事中来,这件事已经变得比bg视讯想知道是否有当地面粉这种东西的小小探索要大得多、范围要广得多.

Do you think about where you’ll be in another 10 years?

I’m just starting to think about that now that we’ve laid some groundwork. bg视讯建立了一个社会企业——谷物站——现在bg视讯正在深入制定战略计划,以确定下一步该做什么. We have terrific, dedicated staff, ready to take things to the next level, 哪些是关键,因为有些长期目标需要一代人的时间才能实现. 但是饮食文化和农业正在同步发展,这是不可思议的. Consumers in NYC are helping to create a stronger, more viable regional food system, 这些变化在这些领域和新兴的基础设施中是显而易见的. This includes everything from crop diversity to soil health, 碳封存和发展分散的基础设施,超越市场,成为未来的粮食主权和弹性. 然而,这种增长与市场有着明确的联系,因此这是bg视讯的重点.


The initiative predated my time in my current role. It came from the Greenmarket Farmer and Community Advisory Committee (FCAC) as an effort to make bakers more mission supportive. There were several starting points, and there was a lot of foundational work and conversations that happened, but I can pinpoint two key moments that really gave us momentum.  One was Indrani Sen’s 2008 NYT article about northeast grains, 一群农民和面包师正在努力消除纽约的农业条件不利于种植优质小麦的神话.  那篇文章真的播下了一颗种子,可以这么说,不只是对bg视讯,而是对整个国家. Ironically, bg视讯向她推销这个故事是为了把她的注意力从她在绿色市场正在探索的其他话题上转移开, as new management, we were not ready for.  Greenmarket主管迈克尔·赫维茨说:“给她写一些积极的东西,比如面包师.“我刚刚开始认识那些将成为bg视讯长期盟友的人. That story really rooted in the national imagination.

第二次是bg视讯与纽约东北有机农业协会(NOFA-NY)在2010年初举办的会议,邀请了绿色市场的盟友——购物者和面包师, and chefs—into the conversation. Things really took off after that day, bg视讯开始接受拨款来研究粮食方程式的各个方面. Meanwhile, 以及bg视讯的面包师(他们被要求使用15%的本地面粉,以保持在绿色市场上销售的资格), 这些盟友开始购买并创造需求,以帮助推动最初的市场. There were a few distillers in the room that day as well, who, along with farm brewers, were just getting started. (Craft bev. came along in 2012.)

It’s important to view this in the context of the local foods movement and, perhaps, the recession of 2008. I think we would have failed ten years prior. But by 2010, 有些人完全致力于尽可能多地利用当地农场的资源, 此外,由寻求创新的企业家支持的小型手工企业也出现了爆炸式增长, take risks, and launch commercial mills and distilleries, malting facilities, things that had not been done for over 100 years.  And things keep going…

As a region, we are still in startup phase.

I could go on and on. If you want to know more, I recently talked about these early years on a podcast for Heritage Radio.

What’s your favorite local grain?

 Emmer. Of course.

What grain has the most potential?

 Emmer. Of course.


它富含蛋白质,在野外对天气和气候波动具有很强的适应力. 对于那些想要远离食用大量动物蛋白的人来说, emmer is an excellent, plant-based replacement. It should be a staple on local menus. It’s delicious. I’m very fond of buckwheat too, and it plays an essential role on farms, and we can produce way more then we can sell right now.

Who is your Grains inspiration?

在基层有很多无名英雄,大部分是女性(惊讶,惊讶). They are really the backbone of systemic change, 与农民密切合作,引导极其缓慢的研究工作, field trials, and technical assistance to growers.  Julie Dawson, Lisa Kucek, Heather Darby, Elizabeth Dyck, Ellen Mallory, Eli Rogosa, to name a few on the east coast. And then there are our amazing female entrepreneurs like Andrea Stanley, lady maltstress (can there be a cooler occupation?) Amber Lambke of Maine Grains, and Mary-Howell Martens of Lakeview Organic. 东北可持续农业工作组(NESAWG)大力倡导区域方法和系统思维, which has been helpful.

My grains guardian angel is Karen Hess. I met her at the 97th St. Greenmarket when I was a manager there. Before she passed away in 2007, she gave me a paper she had written on bread and flour, which has become our guiding document. 它也为bg视讯提供了一个框架:用bg视讯能种植的东西和土地想要给予的东西来工作.  

Did you encounter any resistance at first?

That’s what the local bourbon is for.

Has rebranding the image of Grains been a challenge?

Huuuge! 直到最近,谷物和面粉在烹饪界都是不存在的. Getting people to take them seriously, not only in the cooking realm but by other food and agricultural advocates, 还会是一场斗争吗——尽管已经有了一个案例,bg视讯有大面包来证明这一点. Still, 在bg视讯继续教育消费者和开发市场的过程中,还有大量的工作要做.

Grains and flour in our food system, and on our plates, 既包罗万象又看不见——就像沉浸在水里一样. 我开始意识到,商品是如何让每个人都按照同样的规格进行校准的, and we have lost what we now recognize as grain “literacy,” something that has been missing for almost 100 years. Happily, we are seeing some terrific new grain based products come into the market, and bakers are reconnecting to their primary ingredient. I can’t think of a better time to be a baker.

What’s your favorite craft beverage?

I’m super excited about all the rye whiskeys that are coming along. 有些在4-5岁时才开始流行(考虑到Cuomo州长的手工饮料计划在2012年左右才开始实施)。.  见证一个全新的食品和农业领域的诞生和随后的成熟,真是令人难以置信, to see producers and consumers sprout up, 共同创造一个bg视讯希望的更可持续、更有弹性的未来. 酿酒厂和磨坊在本地化的食品系统中有其重要的地位. Cheers!



Our 100th Community Garden - Jackson Forest Community Garden

October 16, 2017
Posted in Community Gardens

Drum roll please…

bg视讯很自豪地宣布,bg视讯已经完成了bg视讯的第100个社区花园 Jackson Forest Community Garden!


Jackson Forest Community Garden Slideshow


The Jackson Forest site has been home to a garden since 1983. 一栋建筑被拆除后,这片空地很难看——一片狼藉,到处都是垃圾. The community cleared out the lot and began planting, and the site became a GreenThumb garden in 1991. 它很繁荣——到处都是树、花、水果、蔬菜和草药. A true community space, 杰克逊森林的园丁经常会在入口处留下多余的农产品,这样路过的邻居就可以摘到新鲜的蔬菜. In 2008, 花园封闭,建造了新的挡土墙和铁栅栏,并安装了永久水源. The garden had to be demolished in the process, and the renovations ended up taking longer than expected, while the anxious gardeners had no access to the site.

杰克逊森林社区花园最近由bg视讯花园团队重建, along with help from corporate volunteers from BrainPOP, Morgan Stanley, and KPS Advisors. It was a lot of hard work! They mulched, raked, spread soil, and built new garden beds, tables, and benches for community members to enjoy.

园丁们一直在努力让菜园恢复运转,到目前为止已经种出了黄瓜, okra, peaches, and lots of tomatoes! 附近学校的学生来照顾他们的两张床,并学习园艺和堆肥的科学. Next spring, 园丁们计划举办一个盛大的开幕派对,欢迎邻居们回到花园来. In the future, 园丁们希望杰克逊森林将再次成为一个社区会议空间, to offer fresh produce to the neighbors, and to teach classes for children on weekends.

“Thanks to [bg视讯 Assistant Director] Mike Rezny and his team, we have a lot of benches, we have a lot of tables where the community can come sit, read the newspaper, just get in touch with nature.” - community gardener Marie Brook

bg视讯很荣幸地称杰克逊森林社区花园为bg视讯的第100个花园. 杰克逊森林社区园丁的敬业精神和快乐是一个光辉的例子,说明这样的地方对一个社区有多重要. 今天,这座花园的美丽展示了bg视讯共同努力所能取得的成就! 

您可以感到自豪的是,bg视讯花园项目的所有成就都是在您这样的人的支持下实现的. We never would have been able to do it without help from our many donors, especially the Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation. Since September, you helped to raise $41,592 for the New Garden Fund. That’s $11,592 over our goal! 你们为bg视讯的花园项目奠定了基础继续建设 NEXT 100 gardens that serve communities like yours all around the city. 

非常感谢所有相信bg视讯愿景并做出贡献的人! We couldn’t do it without you!


Want to stay involved? Visit our website to learn more about our Gardens program, find a community garden near you, receive our community gardens newsletter, or sign up to volunteer


100 Gardens - Honoring Lys McLaughlin Pike

October 16, 2017

Lys McLaughlin, 1982 at Amboy Neighborhood Garden

Marian Heiskell, bg视讯’s founder, left, and Lys, right, in 1986 at Brooklyn’s first Lots-for-Tots park/playground.


多年来,很多人都为bg视讯的社区绿化承诺做出了贡献. We could not have reached our 100th garden milestone without them.

莱斯·麦克劳克林·派克,1978年至2006年担任bg视讯(前环境委员会)执行董事. Before Lys became a passionate environmentalist, she traveled extensively. She studied at the Interpreter's School in Rome and classical civilizations at NYU; she worked on archaeological excavations in Israel and Turkey; she did public relations for the Institute for the Arts at Rice University, the Rothko Chapel, the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, and other arts organizations. At bg视讯, Lys was instrumental in establishing the Gardens program, Greenmarket, and numerous other programs and projects. Lys was always a trailblazer; in the early 70’s, way before it was popular to do so, she was a champion of cautioning against the use of pressure treated wood, and of the importance of testing soils for heavy metals in edible gardens.

Though she has retired, she has not stopped her conservation efforts. Today she serves on bg视讯's board. She works on her family’s land in Midcoast Maine, upon which she has placed a conservation easement, 她也是当地土地保护组织的董事会成员该组织拥有地役权. She is also a member of the local Lakes and Ponds Committee.


This fall bg视讯 will build its 100th community garden. To celebrate, we are sharing stories from bg视讯 gardening history! 

But these stories are far from over

You can help ensure that all New Yorkers have access to green space by making a donation today to bg视讯's New Garden Fund.

100 Gardens - Protests of the 1999 Garden Auction

October 10, 2017

NYC's community gardens haven't always been so idyllic!

纽约市的许多社区花园都是在20世纪70年代作为居民开始的, in an effort to revitalize their neighborhoods, began to reclaim vacant and trash-filled lots and turn them into beautiful, safe, fresh food producing community centers. These lots, however, were owned by the city, and despite the decades of work that went into them, 1999年5月,朱利安尼市长决定拍卖100多个社区花园,以建造经济适用房.

Gardeners were outraged. 社区成员与非营利组织和土地信托组织聚集在一起, some of them newly formed to combat this issue, to bring lawsuits against the city and organize protests, parades, and acts of nonviolent disobedience.

As Jane Weissman, Director of GreenThumb from 1984-1998 put it, “For 20 years prior, when funding for housing development was not available, community gardens flourished, beautifying, stabilizing, and revitalizing their neighborhoods. 然而,这座城市却愿意在没有任何正式审查的情况下牺牲这些花园.”

In November of 1999, 拥有22年历史的东村埃斯佩兰萨花园(Esperanza Garden)受到了开发的威胁. As the case was being argued in court, 几个月来,抗议者昼夜不停地占领了花园,以保护它免受破坏. 他们在一个巨大的coqui青蛙雕塑(波多黎各击退敌人的象征)前站岗。. In February of 2000, things came to a head. More than 100 protesters came to the garden to demonstrate, chaining themselves to concrete blocks and fence posts and chanting songs. The police broke their way through, arrested 31 protestors, and in 15 minutes the bulldozer had completely destroyed the garden.

During the destruction, 司法部长艾略特·斯皮策(Eliot Spitzer)成功地获得了针对纽约市的限制令,以保护即将拍卖的花园, but it came too late to save Esperanza. Spitzer argued that the lots should be considered parks, 哪些只有经过环境审查或州议会批准才能出售.

While not all of NYC’s community gardens were spared, the protests brought international and national attention to their value, and many were saved. The day before the auction of the remaining 114 community gardens, the Trust for Public Land and the New York Restoration Project bought them, saving them from destruction. In 2002, 布隆伯格市长和司法部长斯皮策就《bg视讯》进行了谈判, preserving an additional 198 gardens, subjecting 110 to review before development, and sentencing 38 to development.


This fall bg视讯 will build its 100th community garden. To celebrate, we are sharing stories from bg视讯 gardening history! 

But these stories are far from over

You can help ensure that all New Yorkers have access to green space by making a donation today to bg视讯's New Garden Fund.

Harvest Dinner at Project Farmhouse

October 6, 2017
Posted in Greenmarket

On Thursday, November 2, 加入bg视讯bg视讯的绿色市场季节性晚餐系列的下一部分!  Grab your passport because the theme for this seated, four-course feast, prepared by a coterie of celebrated NYC chefs, is International Harvest.

The menu will feature passed hors d’oeuvres from Chef Ron Rosselli of Bowery Road, a 墨西哥菜由詹姆斯·比耶德获奖厨师达妮埃拉·索托-因内斯创作和准备 Cosme, a Dominican course from Chef Charles Rodriguez of PRINT., Icelandic fare from Michelin-starred Agern's Chef Gunnar Gislason, and a Serbian dessert from Michelin-starred Gramercy Tavern's Pastry Chef, Miro Uskokovic. 

Harvest Dinner: International Cooking with Local Ingredients 
by Greenmarket/bg视讯
WHEN: Thursday, November 2
下午6点至9点:丰收晚宴筹款活动:国际烹饪与当地食材, benefiting bg视讯's Project Farmhouse 

Individual Ticket, $300
Event Sponsor (includes 10 tickets), $5000
Or make a donation of any amount!
*The non-deductible portion of each ticket is $150, 因为这反映了在活动中提供的商品和服务的公平市场价值.

本次筹款活动是bg视讯农家乐项目绿色市场季节性晚宴系列的第二次,并将允许bg视讯继续与合作伙伴组织合作,提供农家乐项目作为青少年编程的教育空间, panel discussions, film screenings, and networking events focused on a just and sustainable local food system.

Can't make it but want to make a donation to bg视讯? Thank you, please do that here

100 Gardens - Garden Preservation Efforts

October 5, 2017

In the 80’s and 90’s, community gardeners, green non-profits, 新兴的当地园艺联盟正在努力拯救社区花园免遭破坏. New garden preservation strategies were put in place, generated in earlier days from the Mayor’s Open Space Task Force, which included long term leases, adjacent site status for some gardens, restricted auction, and reserve funds for purchasing threatened open spaces. One of these funds was the Garden and Park Preservation Fund, 于1988年与公共土地信托基金合作成立, bg视讯, the Division of Real Property, the Green Guerillas and GreenThumb.


位于下东区的宁静公园(Parque de Tranquilidad)有被摧毁的危险. After years of negotiating with public and private landowners, using resources from the Garden and Park Preservation Fund, it was bought and preserved by the Trust for Public Land.


Another example was the Amboy Neighborhood Garden in Brownsville, Brooklyn. It served as a child care center, making it a valued neighborhood resource. 它被认为是值得保护的,是第一个被赋予毗邻遗址地位的花园, and thus exists to this day.



卑尔根街1100号社区花园成为纽约市第一个著名的土地信托网站. With legal assistance and negotiating help from the Trust for Public Land, 这个街区协会以房地产市场价值的10%从市政府购买了花园物业.

Lorna Johnson from Bergen Street, Francoise Cachelin from Creative Little Garden, Anne Boster from Parque de Tranquilidad, Olean For from All People’s Garden, the late Penny Evans from Miracle Garden, and of course, Liz Christy, bg视讯’s first Gardens Director, 难道只有少数人在70年代和90年代与毒贩和开发商斗争,以确保后代在2017年拥有这些花园吗.


This fall bg视讯 will build its 100th community garden. To celebrate, we are sharing stories from bg视讯 gardening history! 

But these stories are far from over

You can help ensure that all New Yorkers have access to green space by making a donation today to bg视讯's New Garden Fund.

Community Garden Transformations

October 3, 2017

Since 1979, bg视讯's Gardens program has helped build 100 new community gardens, and rebuild and support countless more! Here are some of our best garden transformations!



You can help ensure that all New Yorkers have access to green space by making a donation today to bg视讯's New Garden Fund.

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